Most people believe investing in marketing strategies to be unnecessary for non-profits, as these organizations use their funds for charitable causes instead of their own benefits. Nevertheless, as a non-profit organization founder, you’re surely aware that marketing is crucial for NPOs. It is highly advantageous for a non-profit organization to market itself. Therefore, if you want to succeed, you must rely on a variety of marketing tactics to ultimately grow. As you may know, we started the 'Operation Giveback' program to provide nonprofit organizations with an all-around printing service. Now, to help you get started, we’ve come up with a few simple steps you should consider when it comes to marketing or promoting your organization. Without taking these into account, the mission of your non-profit could be diminished. 
Marketing for Nonprofits: A Quick Guide
Define Your Target Market As every business, Non-profit organizations must define their target audience first. Founders should have an idea of the person who would be likely to support their cause while creating promotions around that target market and assign an advertising budget to attract new donors. Build Your Brand It is imperative for any non-profit organization to build its brand with a logo, message, design or color combination that perfectly identifies that group. The look of all communication, service, leadership, office, events and alliances should showcase the brand of the NPO. Thus, the experiences that donors and clients have with the nonprofit also lead to the brand. Boosting brand awareness helps supporters remember and trust your organization. By building your brand, you keep your NPO ahead of its competitors. That’s the bottom line.
Take Advantage of Offline Practices Common offline marketing practices for nonprofit organizations include upscale events with fundraising opportunities, networking and alliances. Print is highly relevant for promotional and educational purposes. Why is that so? They make a big impact and generate awareness!
One of the best practices to promote your NPO with print marketing is handing out business cards featuring a call to action. Perhaps, you can also send out personalized postcards to potential donors. Go ahead and check our extensive postcard selection with a same-day print turnaround. Develop Your Social Media Presence Many NPOs are developing their social media presence to reach donors at a more personal level. Social media, including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter can help you reach anyone who is interested in your organization in a cost-effective manner. Social media is perfect for reaching those individuals who are truly passionate about charitable causes. Tip: Hand out personalized items like our custom t-shirts and ask everyone to post a picture of them wearing them to promote your cause.
Come Up With a Dynamic Website A primary focus of your marketing strategy is a dynamic, user-friendly website designed to share the group’s mission, allure new donors, display images, educate the public and build awareness of the cause while establishing credibility. Additionally, try to take advantage of email communication with potential and current donors – it builds loyalty! Rely on Public Relations Both Individual groups of people and the community can benefit from non-profits. Hence, public relations should be part of your marketing strategy. The local press should know all about your NPO. As a matter of fact, nonprofit organizations should take advantage of newspaper stories to provide pictures, share statistics as well as advertise community services and fund raising events. As a nonprofit organization founder or manager, keep in mind that you must also invite media outlets to events, no matter the size. Besides, you must keep local news outlets on your mailing lists for newsletters, postcards, and other informative mailings.
We hope this information comes in handy and that these insights will help your nonprofit organization thrive. To start, browse our website for high-end, cost-effective print marketing materials and start promoting your NPO. What are you waiting for?