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    Print Vs Digital Marketing: Which Is Better?

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    Emma Davis

    Content Writer

    Aug 31, 20182270 views

    Aug 31, 20182270 views

    Print Vs Digital Marketing: Which Is Better?


      The Digital Age has taken the world by storm. Most businesses have made the switch to digital marketing in recent years. Nevertheless, other businesses remain highly loyal to print marketing and avoid the marketing trends, posing the enduring question: print vs digital - which marketing strategy is better?

      Print marketing, a.k.a. traditional marketing, is a tried and tested strategy. We know what to expect, it’s trustworthy and familiar. But it also has been accused of being expensive and outdated. By contrast, digital marketing, a.k.a. internet marketing, is accurate, fast and cost-efficient. Some examples include email marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), use of social networks, and influencer marketing. But it’s also intangible, less memorable and impersonal. You don’t want your marketing campaign to get lost in the clutter of the online world!

      Different products require different campaigns, and different forms of media will be much more effective when it comes to targeting different audiences. Want to make an informed decision? We can help! For today’s blog post, we’ve come up with the definitive quick guide to print vs digital marketing, outlining the benefits of each strategy. Let’s have a look:

      The Benefits of Print Marketing

      The myth that print is dead is false. Print marketing has evolved thanks to technology that has transformed it into a powerful medium! In fact, advancements in printing methods like variable data printing have dramatically lowered printing costs. Don’t rule out print without understanding the nature of modern printing - you’re business will miss out on valuable opportunities for growth! Here are other benefits of print marketing:

      • Print Builds Meaningful Connections - The tactile quality of print marketing materials taps into a consumer’s touch memory, which has quickly proven to be a long-lasting form of emotional connection.
      • Print Has An Incomparable Trustworthiness - The aesthetics of print gives it a personal feel, lending print media an unparalleled trustworthiness. A recent study shows that prospects are more likely to trust your company when your marketing is presented via high-end prints, such as thick flyers or luxury brochures.
      • Print Is More Effective On the Ground - For a local business, print is essential as it creates brand recognition and guides prospects to your premises. Print is a vital part of any effective street marketing campaign! If you want to reach people on the streets or target specific demographics, print can’t be beat.
      • Using Printed Media Can Help You Easily Reach Your Target Audience - For instance, custom printed flyers can be distributed to homes in nearby neighborhoods in your local city or town. This isn’t possible with digital marketing!
      • Print Marketing Materials Can Be Kept for Future Use - This way, your target market can have a copy of materials such as brochures, menus or magazines they can browse and use at their convenience.
      • Print Can Be Easily Understood - Print is easy for the greater majority of your target audience to understand, as all of them have already been exposed to this kind of marketing strategy.
      • The Impact of a Cleverly-Designed Print Item Leaves a Lasting Impression - Seeing a print marketing tool brings a sense of added value. Having a print piece in your hands helps you better understand what you’ve already researched online.
      • In Today’s Digital Age, Print Gives Brands an Opportunity to Stand Out - With an overwhelming number of brands trying to compete online, it becomes increasingly difficult for brands to differentiate themselves on the Web.

      The Benefits of Digital Marketing

      Using digital marketing allows you to target both local and international markets. Besides, you can tailor your campaign to a specific demographic, letting you be more precise with who you target according to location, gender and age. This means your campaign will be more accurate! Here are other benefits of digital marketing:

      • Digital Marketing Is Cost-Effective - The cost of online ads is rapidly rising since digital marketing has become more competitive. Even with rising prices, the cost is still much cheaper than print. With digital, you can reach thousands of people with one ad, whilst algorithms make sure that your campaign truly reaches the target demographic.
      • Digital Can Go Viral - Imagine if your flyers could get circulated immediately to millions of consumers? This is the case with digital! Consumers can be reached via social media, allowing your message to be shared fast. By having social media share buttons on your site, you can further increase online engagement.
      • With Digital Marketing, Your Target Audience Can Select How they Want to Enjoy Your Content - For example, one person may prefer to watch a YouTube video, while another one would rather read a blog post. Don’t underestimate the power of tailored marketing.
      • Digital Marketing Provides a Level Playing Field - Any company can compete with a solid digital marketing strategy, no matter the size. A crisp site with a smooth customer experience is what truly matters.
      • Interaction with your Target Audience Is Possible Thanks to Social Media - Just encourage followers to take action, visit your website, read about your products and services, purchase them, rate them and offer vital feedback.
      • Results and Data Can Be Easily Recorded - With insight tools offered by social media sites and Google Analytics, you can check on your marketing campaigns to understand what isn’t working and adapt to improve.
      • Digital Marketing Develops a Brand - A well thought out, user-friendly website with quality content that adds value to your target market provides endless lead generation opportunities.

      So Which Is Better?

      If you want to reach an international audience, print is not your best option. Locally, however, print materials combined with a strong digital campaign will give you an edge. A well-designed flyer creates lasting connections, while building brand loyalty.

      With this in mind, effective campaigns should combine both print and digital. The idea that the two are competing isn’t the case. Even if it’s undoubtedly tempting to see them as enemies, a truly savvy business will see them as allies.

      The Bottom Line

      Forget the print vs digital marketing debate - they work best in a symbiotic relationship! According to a recent Print in a Digital World Trend Report, "we’re in an information revolution, powered by the intersection of two commanding knowledge transfer mechanisms of our era."

      Successful marketing campaigns will take this into account and try to complement print with digital. By letting them work together, you’ll unlock their potential. If you carefully coordinate print and digital, you’ll be left with a strategy that’s grander than the sum of its parts. That’s the bottom line.

      For further inspiration, browse our website and check out a range of high-end print marketing materials! Our dedicated customer service team can help with any of your printing needs.

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